Doing Money Can Be Hard

The things we do with our money can get us into some real sticky situations.

Being broke is no joke.  Not having an emergency fund is stressful.  And being deep in debt will keep you up at night.

Have you looked at your life and asked, "Why am I not further than I thought I would be at this point?"

If so, you are not alone.  78% of Americans are looking at their bank account and wondering why they are still living paycheck to paycheck.

But that doesn't have to be you any longer.  You can break free from the pack of broke sheep and reach for financial freedom.

How?  By taking ownership and saying, "Enough!  This changes with me, today!"

What If...

You actually had a fat emergency fund instead of late notices?

You could travel & eat out at nice restaurants at will?

You no longer had the pain of late fees?

You were debt free and had all that money that went to payments going instead to live your rich life?

You never worried again about paying a bill because the money was already there way ahead of time?

You were finally able to afford the home and car of your dreams?

I'm Just Like You

I know what it's like to be broke, scared and desperate

In my 20's I faced unemployment, bankruptcy, a new baby and real, raw fear. But I fought my way through it, fixed my finances and started teaching others how to do the same. We are men and women of all ages, backgrounds and income levels. If we can do it, you can too. Let me show you how.
Forrest Huguenin, Money Mindset Coach

Gain Financial Peace of Mind

With our hybrid live and on-demand system of learning you will...

  • Eliminate toxic views of money and gain a healthy relationship with your money!

  • Eliminate your fear and anxiety when it comes to money!

  • Slash and burn your debt until it's gone!

  • Grow your savings!

  • Invest with intentionality and confidence!

  • Gain the unstoppable power that comes with being master of your financial ship!

  • And much more!

How Account Ability Works

Each week, a new Module of lessons is covered in the group.  

If you are in the Live version, I will personally guide you through each one of the lessons in a group Zoom that will be conducted Wednesday evenings at 7pm ET.

Then we will have a Q and A session for that week's Module.

If you miss the Wednesday Zoom, you can catch the replay the next day.

You can finish each Module at your own pace, or follow along with the group.  It's totally up to you.

Your membership allows you access to all group sessions and Bonus courses and workshops that you can take at your leisure for one full year.

Course curriculum- 8 Total Modules

    1. How to use this course

    2. Before we begin...

    1. Introduction to Module 1

    2. Module 1, Lesson 1: Your View Of Money

    3. Module 1, Lesson 2: Toxic Views Of Money

    4. Module 1, Lesson 3: How Toxic Views Of Money Hurt You

    5. Module 1, Lesson 4: What Can You Do With Money?

    6. Module 1, Lesson 5: What Money Cannot Do

    7. Module 1, Lesson 6: The Good That Money Can Do

    8. Module 1, Lesson 7: What A Healthy Bank Account Gives You

    9. BONUS- Module 1 Group Review 7/24/24 Zoom Replay

    1. Introduction to Module 2

    2. Module 2, Lesson 1: Mindset: Scarcity vs Abundance

    3. Module 2, Lesson 2: Mindset: Benefits of Abundance

    4. Module 2, Lesson 3: Mindset: Tips For Creating An Abundance Mindset

    5. Module 2, Lesson 4: Money: Know Your Net Worth

    6. Module 2, Lesson 5: Money: Know Your Cash Flow

    7. Module 2, Lesson 6: Map: What Is Your Map?

    8. Module 2, Lesson 7- Map: Crafting Your Map

    9. Module 2 BONUS: Affirmation PDF

    10. Module 2 BONUS: Intentional Spending Plan Excel Worksheet and PDF Guide

    11. BONUS- Module 2 Group Review 7/31/24 Zoom Replay

    1. Introduction To Module 3

    2. Module 3, Lesson 1: Fail To Plan, Plan To Fail

    3. Module 3, Lesson 2: The 5 SMART Principles

    4. Module 3, Lesson 3: You, Inc.

    5. Module 3, Lesson 4: Personality-Based Spending

    6. Module 3, Lesson 5: The 70/10/10/10 Rule

    7. Module 3, Lesson 6: The 5 Pillars

    8. Module 3, Lesson 7: Your Intentional Spending Plan

    9. BONUS- Module 3 Group Review 8/7/24 Zoom Replay

    1. Introduction To Module 4

    2. Module 4, Lesson 1: Why Savings Matters

    3. Module 4, Lesson 2: Your Beginner Emergency Fund

    4. Module 4, Lesson 3: Emergency Fund Rules

    5. Module 4, Lesson 4: Your Sinking Fund

    6. Module 4, Lesson 5: Your Advanced Emergency Fund

    7. Module 4, Lesson 6: Your Long-Term Savings

    8. Module 4, Lesson 7: Other Savings

    9. Module 4, Bonus Lessons 8-11

    1. Introduction To Module 5

    2. Module 5, Lesson 1: The Real Costs Of Debt- Financial

    3. Module 5, Lesson 2: The Real Costs Of Debt- Other

    4. Module 5, Lesson 3: Which Payoff Method Should You Use?

    5. Module 5, Lesson 4: Setting Up Your Debt Snowball

    6. Module 5, Lesson 5: When Lenders Won't Cooperate

About this course

  • 71 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content
  • PDF Companion Workbooks

Bonus material

These are just some of th eadded bonuses you will get with your enrollment and membership

  • SMART Money Jumpstart

    $500 value

    A 2-hour 1 on 1 session where we dive deep into your finances and I help you construct a financial spending and action plan to get you on track with your money

  • Get FOCUSED on-demand course

    $400 value

    A full course designed to get you focused on your goals and organized and equipped to bring them to life.

  • 12-Month IMS Goal Planner

    $100 value

    A 12-month journal and workbook designed to help you monitor and plan your spending for one full year

My SMART System of coaching works!

“What he does with finances, the knowledge he has, his care, his customer service, his communication is exceptional. I’ve had a great experience and I feel that everyone should know about this. Dealing with finances is not always fun. But Forrest makes it so easy and flowing”

Kayla Thompson

“"Before Forrest when it came to budgeting I didn’t have the best perception about it, like, it’s limiting. But after working with him he helped me clear up my financial fog and I felt relief! He showed me how to budget on an income that varies and I realized it’s possible!"”

Matt Dillingham

“"He was able to help me make some really good financial decisions. If you are considering using Forrest I would highly, highly recommend reaching out to him. I am giving him a full 1000% stamp of approval, a great financial coach!"”

Mike Weiner

“"We have weekly zoom meetings and he is such a trustworthy, honest person and just very conscientious about giving me the information I need about my finances and budgeting. So I just cannot speak highly enough about Forrest and what he’s been doing for me. I know that he would definitely be able to help you as well. Contact him and let him know that you want his help too!” THANKS FORREST!"”

Laura Hansen-Raneri

Here's How You Pay Off $23k in Less Than 8 months

Plamen didn't know what was happening to his money. But by learning the principles of my SMART System of money management, he learned how to manage his money more effectively, gain confidence and pay off $23k in less than 8 months... All while supporting 3 kids, 1 grandkid, a wife and two dogs!

Who Is Account Ability For?

This is for anyone who is...

  • Sick of renting and is looking to buy a home, but needs to get financially ready for it
  • Stressed out and needing to get out of debt but lacks a proven system for doing it
  • Wanting to grow savings and investments but has up to now not been able to
  • Suffering from financial fog and feels they should be much further ahead financially than they are now
  • Looking to get married and wants to be on the same page financially with their prospective partner
  • Looking to retire but feels they are behind and all their ducks are not yet in a row
  • Going through, or just coming out of, divorce and needs to recover emotionally and financially 

This Course Is Currently By Invite Only

You may schedule an interview to be considered for participation

Because your individual level of participation can vary, your pricing may vary. 

I will need to meet with you briefly to see what package works best for you.

I can also inform you of any promotional pricing you may qualify for.

You will also have the opportunity to have any of your additional questions answered.

Please click here to schedule an interview:

Ignite your financial freedom, starting today!

End money stress now. Earn more. Dump Debt. Grow Savings. Regain Your Hope, Power and Confidence! All that and more is just a click away...